About me
My profile
Name: | Zohra HANAFI |
Degree: | MS, IST & Intilligent computer Systems |
Email: | zohrahanafi42@gmail.com |
My Skills
Soft Skills
Problem Solving
Team Work
Analytical Thinking
Self Dermined
Attention to details
Technical Skills
My Portfolio
Farm Business Landing page
Farm Business Landing page
This a a landing page for a Farm in Arabic, made with HTML, CSS, JS, & Bootstrap
HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap
Flowers Shop Landing page
Flowers Shop Landing page
This a a landing page for a Flowers Shop, made with pure HTML, CSS, and JS
Travel Webiste
Travel Website
This a travel Club website, made using PHP that
contains four pages.
The website connects to the "MySQL" database to
create and displays users.
My Resume
Master of Science
Wilmington University
Relevant coursework: System Analysis and Design, Data Management, Data Communication and Networking, Project Management, Web Design and Architecture, Advanced Markup Language, Web Design with Visual Basic, IT Policy, Web Design with JavaScript, Database/Web Design Integration.
2021 - Current
Master of Science
University of Algiers 1
Relevant coursework: Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Web Engineering Development, Data Warehouse, Software Engineering, Mobile Developemnt, Advanced statistics, Data Mining, Cryptography, Security
2019 - 2021
Master of Science
University of Algiers 1
Relevant coursework: Algorithms, Algebra, Calculus, Statistics, Object Oriented Programming, Data Structure, Operating systems, Databases, Security, Software Engineering, Networking.
2016 - 2019
Software Engineer Intern
- Developed in-house RESTful API Management System using Spring Boot, Angular, and MongoDB that allows employees to manage, monitor, and search for Petro-technical studies
- Transferred studies related materials and documentation (raw files) from seven servers to an unstructured database after extraction of relevant information.
- Transferred studies related materials and documentation (raw files) from seven servers to an unstructured database after extraction of relevant information.
- Imitate core functionalities of "Stackoverflow" to implement an in-house knowledge base system to share and search for solutions
Mar-Sep 2021
Software Developer Intern
- Used JAVA EE to develop web application that extracts and decrypts Amadeus files to a relational database that helped reduce significantly financial loss (caused by travel agencies).
- Used Bach processing to optimize the load of large Amadeus files to the database from 12 min to less than 2 min.
- Built a dashboard to query flights database, monitor sales and cancelations; and display on-demand reports and statistical summaries.
2016 - 2019
My Certeficates
Contact me
Please use the following email to contact me: